Nintendo Wii System – Animal Crossing & Avatar Bundle
Nintendo Wii System – Animal Crossing & Avatar Bundle
If you’ve been looking for a Nintendo Wii, you may be in luck this year. Of course, Nintendo Wii’s are still hard to find and sold out in many places, but a Wii shouldn’t be as hard to find this year as last year or even a few months ago. You can check your local stores to see if they have any in stock and haven’t sold out yet. You can also check online. has this Wii Animal Crossing & Avatar Bundle for $399.99 (Free Shipping). Of course, since the supply still hasn’t really caught up with the demand, says “This item is extremely limited!”.
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Nintendo Wii System – 2008 Totally Fun Bundle
If you’re a regular DealColossus reader you know that the Nintendo Wii has been sold out and out of stock almost everywhere since it was released. If you’re still looking for a Wii, has a new bundle called the “2008 Totally Fun Bundle” for a total of $719.99. Its a big bundle that includes 10 games, if you are wondering why the price is a little high. Considering how hard the Wii has been to find, this is a pretty good deal just to find an in stock Wii. The previous “Super Mario Bundle” and “Fall Fun Bundle” sold out in a few days. This new bundle is also “Extremely Limited” and there’s a limit of 1 per customer.
Bundle Includes:
- Nintendo Wii System (Wii Game System, Wii Remote Controller, Nunchuck, Stand, Sensor and Wii Sports game)
- Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour ’08
- LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga
- Pokemon Battle Revolution
- Big Brain Academy
- Super Paper Mario
- Mario Party 8
- Super Mario Galaxy
- Rockstar Presents Table Tennis
- Bully: Scholarship Edition
Featuring a remarkable wireless controller and experience, the Nintendo Wii console invites players into game worlds and activities like never before. Whether they’re young or old, expert gamers or beginners, Wii players will express themselves with intuitive motion control using the Wii Remote: a flick of the wrist to to swing a baseball bat or tennis racket, a backswing and follow-through to send a golf ball flying over a pristine fairway. Wii Sports, packaged with the Wii console, introduces players to those and many other experiences.
Xbox 360 HD-DVD Player – *** BONUS: FREE ‘Heroes (Season 1)’ HD-DVD Set! Plus Get 5 FREE* HD-DVD Movies By Mail! ***
Xbox 360 HD-DVD Player with BONUS: FREE ‘Heroes (Season 1)’ HD-DVD Set! Plus 5 FREE* HD-DVD Movies is having a deal on the Xbox 360 HD-DVD Player: “For a limited time, buy the Xbox 360 HD-DVD Player and get a copy of ‘Heroes (Season 1)’ on HD-DVD for FREE! To redeem this offer, simply add the Xbox 360 HD-DVD Player to your cart and ‘Heroes’ will automatically be added to your cart as well. This offer is only good while supplies last (or ends on 11/4/2007, whichever comes first).”
You’ve experienced next-gen gaming on Xbox 360™ … now experience next-gen DVD movies with HD DVD. The Xbox 360 HD DVD Player is the most affordable way to jump into the next generation of DVD technology, along with the flexibility to enter when you are ready. Just plug Xbox 360 HD DVD Player into Xbox 360 and enjoy the ultimate home theater experience with more clarity and detail than broadcast, cable or satellite HD. Feed your HDTV the high definition content it craves with HD DVD on Xbox 360
List Price: $179.99 price: $178.99